
Storyburg: An Adventure Story Deckbuilding Game

Created by Kyle with Dancing Koala Games

Dorothy, Peter Pan, Alice and Little Nemo team up in this CO-OP (or SOLO!) story campaign. An asymmetrical pick-your-path adventure!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

UNBOXING Video of Storyburg! (Pre-Production Copy)
5 months ago – Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 10:07:20 AM

It's update time here in Storyburg!

I received the Pre-Production Copy of STORYBURG from our game manufacturer (the amazingly awesome Longpack Games)... and it's looking really great! 

(The PPC is basically a printed proof of the game to finalize/approve before the manufacturer prints a ton of copies.)

Watch the Unboxing!

Next Steps

  • THIS MONTH: I'm fine-tooth combing everything about the pre press copy of Storyburg.  I'll send off my notes to Longpack games and then we will get to manufacturing.  YAY!
  • THIS MONTH: Now that I know the final weight of the game, I will be finalizing shipping costs with the fulfillment centers.
  • EARLY NEXT MONTH: I will send out another update finalizing shipping costs, information and backerkit charging dates (final charges won't happen until late May/early June)... so stay tuned!

Thank you for helping make Storyburg happen!

We independent creators (especially those of us also raising kids and working other full-time jobs) could NOT do this without the support from backers like you!

- Kyle

Game Files Submitted To Manufacturer! Yay!
8 months ago – Sat, Feb 03, 2024 at 05:49:06 AM

Hi! Hope you had an amazing holiday season and are doing a better job with your new year's resolutions than I am!

Wanted to give you a quick update on Storyburg.  (I am soooo excited to share the game with you.)

Big News: The Game Files Have Been Uploaded to the Manufacturer!

Next Steps:

  • LongPack Games (the awesome manufacturers) will print and ship a Pre-Production Copy of the game (I will share an unboxing video when that gloriousness happens) for approval... hopefully within the next month or so.
  • Then they will print up a ton of copies of Storyburg!

Be In Story Surveys

If you got a "Be In Story" perk, I'll be sending out surveys for those... so keep an eye out! and then get typing!

Extra: Card Evolution

I thought this would be a good chance to share some images of how some of the cards have changed over the years.

And honestly, I had hoped to get the files to the manufacturer a little earlier... but I ended up needing to tweak the card files a little bit - so I took that as an opportunity to rework some of the margins and give the graphic design a bit more modern pop. (I've been working on these cards for years!) And if it takes ten minutes a card to make changes... multiply that by 328 cards and... Kyle loses sleep.  :)

DECEMBER UPDATE: Pledge Manager & FanPick Winners
10 months ago – Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 12:16:51 PM

The story of Storyburg continues! A lot of yummy goodies in this email. MOST IMPORTANT is the information about the Pledge Manager. MOST FUN are the new cards I've made!

BackerKit Pledge Manager

Basically, in order to fulfill your wonderful pledge, we are using a third-party company called BackerKit.  Whose slogan really ought to be "bringing order and sanity to Kyle." 

When you receive the BackerKit email in the next week, click the link and fill out the survey.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out here or via email: [email protected]

  • PLEDGE SURVEY: You will receive an email survey from BackerKit in the next few days to finalize your pledge for Storyburg. It’s essential to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.
  • HOW: You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out the survey. When you receive the survey invite email, click the survey link. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like.
  • CHANGES: After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.
  • SHIPPING CHARGES: Shipping (as well as VAT and applicable taxes) will be charged closer to fulfillment. We will alert backers when shipping costs are finalized & before we charge your cards in your BackerKit survey. We will keep you informed all along the way!
  • APPLE ID: If your Kickstarter account is linked to your Apple ID, we will need an email address for you in order to send your survey.  We will privately message you via kickstarter for this.

FanPick Card Winners!

Thank you to everyone who voted for the FanPick cards.  Below are the top four cards!  These cards will be printed with Storyburg and available for all to play with.  YAY!


This is going to be a busy month! The main goal is to upload all of the game files to our manufacturer (Longpack... they've manufactured a ton of amazing games.)

So... I am going to go back to working on that!

Have a wonderful day, 


November Update: FanPick Poll & Next Steps
11 months ago – Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 11:03:27 AM


Thanks again for helping to make Storyburg happen. With this update, I will share a bit about my November goals... and we need your votes for #FanPick cards to be included in the game!

#FanPick Poll

With our social goals met during the campaign, we unlocked four FanPick Cards! I've gathered the submitted ideas, and now we need to vote on our favorites! I will include the top four choices as cards in the final version of Storyburg. Note, this poll is NOT mandatory to receive your order, but it could be fun!

Submit your votes by November 7th ~ and if you have any issues, either comment back here or email me at: [email protected]

October Summary

Most of October was spent wrapping up an amazingly successful Kickstarter ~ thank you! Most, if not ALL, of the funds will be going towards the game: manufacturing minimum order quantity, covering our ad spends, freight shipping, customs fees, unexpected surprises, and contingency. We are on track to get you the game - and get it to you on time as close as possible.  Thanks!

November Goals

Here are a few of the things I will be working on in November to meet my goal of submitting files for printing in early December:

  • Final Testing on Free Play Mode
  • Testing an Expert Mode to most likely include
  • Creating the #FanPick cards
  • Doing a final pass (art and spelling, grammar, clarity, etc) on all of the components and art
  • prepping the files for our manufacturer
  • launching the pledge manager (more on that in a couple of weeks)

It'll be a busy month... !

Thanks again for everything.


11 months ago – Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 01:28:33 PM

Hi Storyburgites!

Thank you thank you thank you. We did it.  Storyburg is officially funded!

This update is going to be short, because I want to now take a nap :)


We unlocked all social goals.  That means we will have FOUR FanPick cards included in Storyburg.  Comment with your suggestions here or on the comment page.

Reminder: We are looking for characters, abilities and equippable items (hats, weapons, clothing, anything!) These can be from public domain, from your imagination, or if you really want something not public domain... I could always spoof it. Some examples: Excalibur.  A Sparkly Unicorn.  A standard plunger. The Stare of Medusa.

In a few days, I will put together a poll of the ideas for all backers to vote on!


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz has unlocked most stretch goals for us.  We officially have unlocked the $44k tier that includes card dividers and an organization management inside the box.  I am SO happy about this one.  We didn't quite get to the Expert Mode and Achievements unlock level (darn that Wicked Witch of the West.)..... BUT I am going to see what I can do.  Expert Mode is mostly tested - I just don't want it to  delay manufacturing too much.  So cross your fingers and cross your toes, we'll see what happens!


After taking a day or two or three to rest, I am going to regroup and send out an update with all of our next steps and information!

Thank you so much for helping make Storyburg happen - I am forever in your debt.
