
Storyburg: An Adventure Story Deckbuilding Game

Created by Kyle with Dancing Koala Games

Dorothy, Peter Pan, Alice and Little Nemo team up in this CO-OP (or SOLO!) story campaign. An asymmetrical pick-your-path adventure!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update and Reminder: BackerKit Will Be Processing Payments on September 8th
11 days ago – Sun, Sep 08, 2024 at 12:14:58 PM

Hi Quick update!  

All copies of Storyburg are fully manufactured and are being loaded onto boats in a few days. Yay! 

 speed boat bird GIF by ViralHog

BackerKit Will Be Processing Payments on September 10th (Shipping and Taxes)

Rates for shipping and sales tax / VAT (if applicable) are now available to view on your BackerKit order. BackerKit will be processing payments for shipping, sales tax / VAT (if applicable) and add-ons selected in BackerKit on September 10th.

We will also be locking shipping addresses for Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia.

How to Check Shipping and Tax Amounts on Your Order

If you have not filled out your BackerKit survey or are having trouble finding the email or link to view your order's shipping and tax rates, you can check it by clicking here:

If you use your Apple ID to log in to Kickstarter, the BackerKit surveys will not be able to send to your Apple ID. If you have another email address that you prefer to use and haven't already had me update your order for you, please email me at [email protected]


  • Now - mid OCTOBER: 
    Storyburg will be on freight boats, traveling to our fulfillment centers! 
  • SEPTEMBER 10th: 
    All remaining Payments Processed in BackerKit.
    Shipping Addresses Locked for Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia orders in BackerKit.
  • est OCTOBER 3rd: 
    Shipping Addresses Locked for everyone else
    Delivery! Of Storyburg!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]

Thank you for supporting indie game!
You’re going to love Storyburg.

Quick Update: New dates for Payment Processing and Address Locking
28 days ago – Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 07:23:34 AM

Hi Storyburgite,

Just a quick update to show a new list of upcoming dates. The dates have changed every so slightly to accommodate all the timelines of all our fulfillment partners - and to ensure no delays on shipping and fulfillment.  I'm learning a ton. :) 

Curiouser and curiouser!


  • around AUGUST 31st: 
    Storyburg will complete manufacturing! 
    All Payments Processed in BackerKit.
    Shipping Addresses Locked for Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia orders in BackerKit.
  • CHANGED - est OCTOBER 3rd: 
    Shipping Addresses Locked for everyone else
    Delivery! Of Storyburg!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]

Thank you for supporting indie game!
You’re going to love Storyburg.

Quick Update: Mass Production Sample Approved!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 06:54:51 AM

Hi Storyburger!

We are getting closer and closer to delivering Storyburg.  Our awesome manufacturing company Longpack Games has sent a Mass Production Sample... and it looks great!  This was a copy of the game made with the same tools as the mass production... meaning Longpack is currently making hundreds of copies of the gamea nd packing them up.

In the next update, the games will be on a boat! More on that when it happens!

Here are some photos from the Mass Production Sample!


Thanks for supporting awesome indie games!
Kyle "Storyburg" Walters

BackerKit Order Quantities & Surveys Locked in 48 hours
2 months ago – Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 11:36:52 AM

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!  

On July 9th, we will close the BackerKit surveys so that we can finalize our order counts. This is your last chance to add any add-ons to your order and to fill out your survey.

If you haven't filled out your backer fulfillment survey yet, it’s important to respond as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards. You can click the link below to finish your survey.

Note: You will be able to update your address until we start shipping in October.

NOTE: If you use your Apple ID to Sign Into Kickstarter

If you used your Apple ID to log in to Kickstarter, the BackerKit surveys will not be able to send to your Apple ID. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please email me at [email protected]


  • JULY 9th: Pledge Manager Surveys Close
  • OCTOBER 8th: Payments Processed and Addresses Locked
  • LATE OCT/NOVEMBER: Delivery! Of Storyburg!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]

Thank you so much again for making Storyburg happen! Have a wonderful week!


BIG UPDATE: New Expected Dates Info
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 09:43:49 AM

Hi Storyburger!

Oh eM Genie in a bottle. It has been awhile since there was a Storyburg update. The uncontrollable reasons? Life.  The slightly more controllable reasons? I wanted to get all of the final dates and plans ready to go… and I had to learn a whole bunch about manufacturing board games and freight shipping and fulfillment centers and lots of good stuff.


  • IN PROGRESS: Storyburg is currently being manufactured
  • TODAY: Shipping and Taxes/VAT have been added to the BackerKit Pledge Manager
  • JULY 9th: Pledge Manager Surveys Close
  • OCTOBER 8th: Payments Processed and Addresses Locked
  • LATE OCT/NOVEMBER: Delivery! Of Storyburg!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]

Storyburg is currently being manufactured

The wonderful people at Longpack Games are working hard to make a bunch of copies of Storyburg!  It’s exciting. They’ve said the games should be done by the end of August.  (after that, we will freight ship the games across the oceans to our fulfillment centers to be delivered to you!)

Shipping costs and Taxes/VAT info added to BackerKit Pledge Manager

Rates for shipping and sales tax / VAT (if applicable) are now available to view on your BackerKit order. BackerKit will be processing payments for shipping, sales tax / VAT (if applicable) and add-ons selected in BackerKit on October 8th.


It is superduperduper important to us that we kept shipping costs as cheap as possible. And despite inflation and the global increase in shipping costs over the past few months… WE SUCCEEDED! We were able to keep shipping rates for most everybody within the ranges we presented on our initial campaign page!  Yay!  It wasn’t magic, though… we accomplished this feat by including a shipping subsidy for every backer.  This amount is already incorporated into the shipping costs within BackerKit.  

How to Check Shipping and Tax Amounts on Your Order

If you have not filled out your BackerKit survey or are having trouble finding the email or link to view your order's shipping and tax rates, you can check it by clicking here:

JULY 9th: 
Pledge Manager Surveys Close

On July 9th, we will close the BackerKit surveys so that we can finalize our order counts. If you haven't filled out your survey yet, it’s important to respond as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.

Payments Processed and Addresses Locked

On October 8th, BackerKit will be processing payments and locking shipping addresses. We will send out reminders a couple of days before so that you can update your final shipping addresses!

LATE OCT/NOVEMBER: Delivery! Of Storyburg!

October and November will be spent with our wonderful fulfillment centers to ship out Storyburg! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]

Thanks for Lions and Tigers and Bearing through this with me!
You’re going to love Storyburg.